
Storyteller Edition

Ilustrační obrázek k předprodeji

Jdeme spolu s vámi (CZ)

Vzkazy zvířat pro probuzený svět

We bring to Czech readers a translation of an award winning book "We Walk Beside You: Animal Messages for an Awakening World" by Sandra Mendelson ("Jdeme spolu s vámi: Vzkazy zvířat pro probuzený svět", CZ). You will enter the fascinating world of animal consciousness and encounter inner lives (and voices) of various animals - from snails to blue whales to our beloved animal family members. They share perceptive and deeply compassionate insights into human behavior. More importantly, they deliver messages full of hope, inspiration, and vision that our contemporary human world so desperately needs. Catch the book among the first in the pre-order (the picture is illustrative, we are still working on the cover).
Sandra Mendelson
Sandra Mendelson
writer, animal communicator, channeler of animal messages and animal consciousness and a Certified Polychromatic Light Therapist

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