
About us

Éminences grises

     There are two of us. Raised in the academic fields. One cradled by the Humanities, the other by the Natural Sciences. We have united in our desire to pass on knowledge to others in a friendly way. So that “your grandmother, young lady, could understand it!” – as our university Supervisors used to tell us.

     Together we founded this publishing house and help creative souls dream and fly.

Contributing authors

     Before Lelkárna became to be, Bára founded Tvůrcovské noviny and then Tvůrcovské radio for creative souls and writers all around her.

     Gradually, more and more of them have gathered, and every third Saturday of the month they send their stories out into the world through the newsletter and podcast platforms. One day, some of them might transform into books.

Visions and Ethics

„Don’t be alone“

     The idea to create Lelkárna was born in Ivana’s head together with the idea to establish the Tišina Foundation Fund dedicated to helping people going through a psychospiritual crisis. In times of haste, stress and loneliness, we want to start building our “village”, where people would support each other. This vision, this manifesto, or rule if you wish, is cornerstone of our publishing house. We don’t want to blindly produce more and more books. Our desire is to build a place where creative people can take a rest, where they can be supported, and where they can ask for help with their work by connecting tiwh other artists, writers and like-hearted souls. We believe it’s time to reconnect and work together instead of being alone in a constant state of alert in the face of competitors.

  1. We are here for the authors and their stories. To make their creative voices heard, allow them to build an audience, polish their styles and ideas together, and most importantly, make more from book sales than a few of lollipops is worth.
  2. We help bring invisible authors to light, dress their words in a fitting coat and open door to the world for them.
  3. We bring Czech readers the stories of those who have captured our hearts with their words and art and who, in our humble opinion, have something to say to the Czech public.
  4. We de not produce books that will gather dust on the shelves of greedy mega stores.
  5. We give birth to books full of beauty, smelling of soft paper and creative ink. They will taste of a strong story and good narrative.
  6. We are here for creative souls who want to give their dreams paper wings.

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